
Posts Tagged ‘esx’

New vscsiStats Excel Macro

March 11, 2010 18 comments

I wrote an Excel Macro to process vscsiStats data and turn it into pretty charts & graphs. I shared that macro with my friend Matt Kelliher and after showing him how to use it, he suggested and made a modification to it. The latest version will still process the data and create charts but then it will also export the charts as PNG, create an HTML file and put thumbnails of the charts in. You can then click on any of the charts for a full-screen view. Handy method of presenting the data in a concise format.

Let me know what you think of the file, you may download a copy here. You are welcome to download and use this macro but please leave the comments at the top (feel free to buy us a beer or two too)

This macro has been tested in Excel 2007 and 2010 beta. I must say though,  it runs much more slowly in these than in 2003.

Note: SAVE your spreadsheet first before running this version of the macro, it uses the current save location as the starting point for creating the HTML and saving the images.

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